Guttatus Ocicats

Guttatus means spotted in latin. Ocicat is usually a spotted cat, but occasionally also so called classic tabby ocicats are born - like our Typy here beside. 

The spotted cat resembles a wild jungle cat, but a tabby cat charms everybody with the strong pattern of the coat. 

The breed got its name ocicat because it looked a lot like ocelot.

The Ocicat (OCI) is a spotted cat resembling the big cat of the wild, but without the wild ancestry. It is bred for the beautiful spotted pattern that is so necessary to fulfill its wild looks. The OCI is a muscular breed, and it weighs more than it seems!

Our first ocicat is Moona, alias IP Galax Moonlight Serenade. She has also nicknames like "oci-bunny". Our very first litter was born on the 4th of March 2000. The lady was Wanda, who sitting in the right side of Moona in the picture below. 

Our second breeding queen is Mami (photo on the right), chocolate spotted sister of Typy. Mami is slightly shy, but she does say a word or two, if really needed. Mami gave birth to her first kittens on the 17th of December 2000.

Mami is the first oci of ours to become EC (European Champion). She got this title in Turku on the 6th of October 2002.

And as so often happen, that the breeder keeps some of the self bred cats, so did happen in our case too. First Pekka wanted to have a male cat in the house. Of that decision, we have Kille, the silver spotted charmer in house. Kille is the first Guttatus ocicat to become also EC. This happened in Jämsä on the 15 of June 2003. Kille is in the photo beside with the EC- and BIS- prices from the very same show.

And so, Marjo wanted to have our own bred female for further breeding, so Tiitu, the lavender spotted lady was kept. And what a lady she is. She has won a couple of shows, which is not so common for a lavender ocicat. Tiitu gave birth to her first kittens on the 31st of October 2003.

What is an Ocicat like?

The nature of an ocicat is one of the kind. They are very social, sometimes even too social. They are following you where ever you go at home: they will read and teach you how to read newspaper.

Washing the dishes is also a great jow for the ocis eventhough they just might get a bit wet with it. Writing with a pen is almost impossible when an oci is around. The cursor of the mouse in the screen of a computer drives ocis wild: they are chasing them from the screen - like it was really a mouse.